We love the community we service in Middle Georgia. Our team may be great at heating, cooling and plumbing, but we also love to get out and enjoy our region! Each month we will highlight a fun event or area nearby that YOU might enjoy!
Halloween is such a fun time for our community. There are trunk or treat events, fall festivals, haunted houses and more. Scroll to see what spooky events are happening nearby!

Visit the City of Locust Grove's Annual Trunk or Treat and Haunted Hayride. Friday, October 28th at 5pm- Claude Gray Park! Click here to learn more.
Visit the Mainstreet of Hampton to enjoy trick or treating - Friday, October 28th. 5:30pm to 7:30pm
If you want a super scary night of frights, visit the Terror Mills Haunted House in Jackson! Check their website for details and hours.
Thomaston is hosting a trick or treat event at the Greatest Generation Memorial Park on Oct. 28th at 6pm.
Visit the City of Griffin for a family friendly trick or treating experience on Thursday, 10/27 from 4 to 8pm. See details here!
Stay tuned for the exciting new events and places to visit in our area each month. We hope you enjoy a beautiful Halloween weekend in Middle Georgia! As always, thanks for choosing A&B Heating, Cooling & Plumbing to stay comfortable year-round.